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    2025/FEB/17 · 08:00 PM
    Rosengarten - Mannheim, Germany

  • Karolina Errera Pavon

    Karolina Errera Pavon
    ©Felix Broede


    Year of birth:

    Place of birth:
    Moskow, Russia


    • Viola MA – Berlin: Hochschule für Musik „Hanns Eisler“, Tabea Zimmermann (2017-2020)

    • Viola MA in Performance – Kronberg Academy, Tabea Zimmermann (2019-2023)             

    Current job:
    Soloist, Chamber Musician




    Being a musician on and off stage and indulging in the fleeting moment in the music – violist Karolina Errera has had this special feeling for a lifetime: from when she first appeared on stage at the age of five to her collaboration in the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra as a student of the Kronberg Academy or as a chamber music partner at well-known festivals. Karolina Errera grew up in a Dominican-Russian family with musical influences from all over the world. Making music quickly developed into a passion that has become an integral part of Karolina’s life. After completing her studies at Central Music School, the violist studied with Wilfried Strehle as part of her bachelor’s degree at the Berlin University of the Arts. Until 2019 she studied with Tabea Zimmermann at the Hanns Eisler University of Music in Berlin, and currently at the Kronberg Academy.

    Karolina enjoys developing her artistic personality in different formations. As an academician with the Berliner Philharmoniker, she enjoyed being part of a bigger whole. In chamber music, she is fascinated by the sensitivity of the shared creative moment and the fulfilling communication with one another. As a soloist, she enjoys the endless freedom of expression within the form, style and content. Karolina Errera has won numerous prizes, including the important Yuri Bashmet Competition and 2nd prize at the Markneukirchen International Instrumental Competition. She has already played in concert halls such as the Wigmore Hall in London, the Victoria Hall in Geneva and the Berlin Philharmonie. She is also a regular guest at international festivals such as the Verbier Festival, the Moritzburg Festival and the Krzyzowa Music Festival.Her recent Debut CD ‘’Songs of Rain’’ with pianist Lilit Grigoryan has recently been nominated in four categories for Opus Klassik award 2023. In addition to her concert activity, the violist never forgets her goal: to play music for everyone and to invite everyone to immerse themselves in the dazzling world of classical music with her. The viola is the perfect instrument for this.



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    Karolina Errera Pavon

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