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    2025/FEB/17 · 08:00 PM
    Rosengarten - Mannheim, Germany

  • Teresa Schwamm

    Teresa Schwamm
    ©Felix Broede


    Year of birth:

    Place of birth:
    Augsburg, Germany


    • Viola Diploma – Berlin: Hochschule für Musik „Hanns Eisler“, Tabea Zimmermann (2005-2010)

    • Viola MA – Berlin: Hochschule für Musik „Hanns Eisler“, Tabea Zimmermann (2010-2014)

    • Viola Erasmus – Züricher Hochschule der Künste, Lawrence Power (2011-2012)

    • Chamber Music MA – Berlin: Universität der Künste, Artemis Quartett (2006-2014)

    • Chamber Music postgraduate course – Musikakademie Basel, Rainer Schmidt (2015-2017)

    Current job:
    Armida Quartett,
    1st Solo Viola NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchester




    Teresa Schwamm studied viola with Prof. Tabea Zimmermann at the Hanns Eisler conservatoire in Berlin, also receiving artistic guidance from Prof. Lars Anders Tomter and Prof. Lawrence Power.

    A passionate chamber musician, for many years Teresa has appeared on concert platforms all over the world with the Armida Quartett (www.armidaquartett.com), and through this long-lasting collaboration has won numerous prizes and awards (1st prize, ARD Musikwettbewerb 2012, 1st prize, Concourse de Geneve 2011).

    Born in 1988 in Augsburg, Leopold Mozart’s birthplace, the viola became Teresa Schwamm’s chosen musical ‘voice’ from an early age. As a young child, early instrumental coaching from her father as well as an intensive engagement with chamber music in her family home laid the foundations for her musical development.

    Teresa Schwamm is a prize winner of several competitions including the International Bodensee Competition and the Cultural Promotion Prize of the city Gersthofen.

    As a soloist, she regularly works with various German orchestras and has performed under the baton of Sebastian Weigle, Reinhard Goebel, Patrick Lange and Gerd Albrecht, amongst others. A CD with the double concerto for two violas by A. Wranitzky (soloists: Nils Mönkemeyer, Teresa Schwamm) will be published by Sony Music Entertainment in 2020.

     Together with her quartet, she taught as an assistant of the chamber music class of the Artemis Quartet at the University of the Arts in Berlin between 2012 – 2016.

     From the season 2019/20 Teresa Schwamm can be heard as the first solo viola with the NDR Elbphilharmonie Orchestra.



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    Anna Puig Torne

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    Pauline Sachse

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