• Nächstes Event

    2025/FEB/17 · 20:00 Uhr
    Mannheim, Deutschland

  • Muriel Razavi

    Muriel Razavi


    Year of birth:

    Place of birth:
    Freiburg, Germany


    • Viola – Munich: Hochschule für Musik und Theater München, Nils Mönkemeyer (2011-2012)
    • Viola BA – Berlin: Hochschule für Musik „Hanns Eisler“, Tabea Zimmermann (2012-2017)
    • Viola MA – Leipzig: Hochschule für Musik und Theater „Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy“, Tatjana Masurenko (2017-2018)
    • Viola MA – Berlin: Universität der Künste, Wilfried Strehle (2018-2019)

    Current job:

    • Universitätsprofessur Universität Mozarteum Salzburg
    • Professur für Viola Staatliche Hochschule für Musik Trossingen




    American-Iranian Violist Muriel Razavi (*1992 in Freiburg) is in great demand as a soloist, chamber musician and orchestral musician in the baroque as well as in the contemporary music field.
    Beginning in the winter semester 2023/2024 she will start teaching as Professor for Viola at the University
    Mozarteum Salzburg and at the Staatliche Hochschule für Musik Trossingen.

    She is currently enrolled in a doctoral program (Dr.sc.mus) at the Hamburg University of Music and Theatre under the artistic supervision of Daniel Barenboim, where she is conducting research on Re-Orientalism in Music. In the last years Muriel has been working on special concert designs and formats with music by Iranian composers of contemporary classical music from the “Iranian Female Composers Association” and commissioned the Viola Concerto “her path through clay and silk” composed by Golfam Khayam. In 2022 she received the “award for an outstanding program with special societal relevance” for her Viola Solo performance “ancient eve is once again offering apples” at the Dbü-Competition. In the season 22/23 she performed her program at the Ultraschallfestival Berlin and the Heidelberger Frühling Music Festival.
    Ms. Razavi is a first prize winner of the international “Washington String Competition” (Washington D.C.,
    2018) and award winner of the international competitions “Michael Spisak” (Katowice, 2017) and “Città di
    Cremona” at the 43. international Viola Conference (Cremona, 2016). She has played at numerous festivals, including the “Seiji Ozawa International Academy Switzerland”, the Schleswig-Holstein Festival, the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Festival, the Rheingau Music Festival, the Stavelot Festival in Belgium, the Yeosu Festival in South Korea and the Musicales de Frutillar in Chile, where she also taught a masterclass.
    Regular international concert tours, i.a. as Principal – Viola, with the Kammerphilharmonie Bremen, the
    MDR Symphony Orchestra and the West Eastern Divan Orchestra, conducted by Daniel Barenboim as well substitutional work at Germany’s most notable symphony orchestras supplement her widely diversified musical activities. Her chamber music partners include Baiba Skride, Kian Soltani, Tobias Feldmann, Harriet Krijgh and Frank Braley. She is a member of the Ensemble “Mutter´s Virtuosi” under the artistic leadership of Violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter.

    She studied with renowned musicians such as Prof. Tabea Zimmermann, Prof. Nils Mönkemeyer and Prof. Tatjana Masurenko. In 2019 she completed her Master’s Degree with honors under Professor Wilfried Strehle at the Universität der Künste in Berlin.
    As a baroque Violist she deepened her knowledge of historical performance practice with the “Balthasar Neumann Ensemble” under the direction of Thomas Hengelbrock, the “Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment“ in London, the “Il pomo d’oro” Ensemble and the “Le Concert Olympique” Orchestra in

    Since 2021 has taken on an honorary mentorship in the Mentoring Arts Program at the University for Music and Theater in Leipzig, preparing students for their careers in the field of music.
    Ms. Razavi performs on a French viola built for her by the luthier Patrick Robin and an Alemannic baroque
    viola from Dorothea van der Woerd.

    Besides her musical studies she has also completed a Bachelor’s Degree in “The History and Culture of the
    Middle East – Iranian Studies“at the Freie Universität Berlin as well as a Master’s Degree in “Religion and Culture“ at the Humboldt University in Berlin.


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    Ukyo Fujiwara

    Franziska Hügel

    Brian Isaacs

    Arcan Isenkul

    Sophie Kiening

    Gordon Lau

    Sào Soulez Larivière

    Haesue Lee

    Natalie Loughran

    Eric Seohyun Moon

    Nicholas Swensen

    Ayaka Taniguchi

    Caspar Vinzens

    Luisa Ye


    Micha Afkham

    Guy Ben-Ziony

    Agathe Blondel

    Barbara Buntrock

    Öykü Canpolat

    Marie Chilemme

    Hélène Clément

    Toby Cook

    Lotus de Vries

    Valentin Eichler

    Miguel Erlich

    Karolina Errera Pavon

    Stefanie Farrands

    Sara Ferrandez Castro

    Alexander Gordon

    Olga Hansen

    Stine Hasbirk

    Gabriele Heinecke

    Miriam Helms Alien

    Kyuri Kim

    Sejune Kim

    Georgy Kovalev

    Anna Krimm

    Hande Küden

    Josip Kvetek

    Adrien la Marca

    S. Seungwon Lee

    Marion Leleu

    Anna Lewis

    Matthew Lipman

    Mark Liu

    Lev Loiko

    Ana Mba-Flores

    Ada Myriel Meinich

    Giovanni Menna

    Johannes Moehrle

    Sindy Mohamed

    Nilay Özdemir

    Kyoungmin Park

    Yael Patish

    Tahlia Petrosian

    Anna Puig Torne

    Madeleine Przybyl

    Muriel Razavi

    Alejandro Regueira

    Pauline Sachse

    Teresa Schwamm

    Jungahn Shin

    Clara-Hélène Stangorra

    Arnold Stieve

    Maya Tal

    Antoine Tamestit

    German Tcakulov

    Kei Tojo

    Ulla Tremuth

    Albin Uusijärvi

    Simone von Rahden

    Emma Wernig

    Judith Wijzenbeek

    Zhechao Xie

    Peijun Xu

    Armando Yagüe

    Ula U. Zebriunaite

    Sarina Zickgraf

    Ylvali Zilliacus

    Silas Zschocke